Sunday, January 10, 2010

Playoff Drought - RIP

Felix! Felix! Felix!

Those were the chants permeating inside the ninth wonder of the world, known as Cowboys Stadium, during the third quarter of last night's Cowboys/Eagles playoff game in Arlington, TX. Felix Jones had just ripped off an untouched 73 yard touchdown run, the longest in Cowboys playoff history. Felix's TD run made the score 34-7, Cowboys favor, with just over 20 minutes remaining in the game. You could feel it in the crowd. You could sense it in the air. You could see it on Coach Phillips' face (if you were looking at the largest flat screen in the world).

The Cowboys were about to pull off an improbable season long trifecta against their bitter rival the Philadelphia Eagles, and most importantly, end a 13 year-long playoff drought.

Two days prior to the game, my mother called me and asked if I would like to go to my first ever Cowboys playoff game for my birthday. I believe my response was something along the lines of, "Hell yeah!" or "That would be nice.". We were able to track down a couple a tickets online in section 219, at a very reasonable price I might add.

Realistically, I wasn't expecting much of a view. I've been to Cowboys games in the old Cowboys Stadium, and I've sat in just about every section. I can honestly say that the best seats were on the 50 yard line in the second deck. You're high enough to see over the players on the sideline and close enough to take in all the action on the field. Last night, we had two of the best seats in the house for the money. The thing is...every seat in the house is phenomenal.

From the time we were molested by security guards walking into the stadium, to avoiding all the meandering drunkards outside of the stadium after the biggest Cowboys win in recent memory...the experience had to be one of the greatest sports spectacles I've ever witnessed. I found myself watching the big screen for the majority of the game...along with high-fiving about 7 different people every time the Cowboys made a big play. My hand is killing me today.

My only complaint about the whole night is this...Eagles Suck! Eagles Suck! Eagles Suck! That was the clever chant the Cowboy fans repeated throughout the night. Please Cowboy fans, let's get a little more creative.

So overall, it was a fantastic game between a seemingly cohesive Cowboys squad and a flailing Eagles team that needed a trick play from a former dog fighter to get on the scoreboard. My buddy that went to the game with me, Tyler, said, "I wonder if Keith Brooking will go up to Mike Vick and say "I sure am glad we got the hell out of Atlanta."?

These were a few things that hit me during the game:

1. Mike Jenkins is the next great shutdown corner in the league. He and Terrance Newman held Eagles wideout, Desean Jackson, to three catches for 14 yards in last night's game. Jenkins also added two interceptions during the game and made one hell of a play on a key deep ball in the first half that could have been a turning point in the game.

2. The Dallas pass rush is downright scary. They remind me of the days of Charles Haley, Russell Maryland, Jim Jeffcoat, and Ken Norton. That defense was also overlooked because of all the stars on offense. The similarities give me goosebumps. I'm going to pray for Brett Favre next weekend. If what we did to Donovan McNabb is any indication...imagine what we can do to a 40 year old quarterback with zero agility.

3. Wade Phillips will keep his job next season, no matter what happens in Minnesota. Just by getting the monkey off his back last night, Phillips has all but secured his job with the Dallas Cowboys for at least another season.

4. Next weekend's game against Minnesota is my unofficial "Super Bowl". In my opinion, these are the two most balanced teams in the NFL. I feel like New Orleans faded down the stretch and lost their edge against Dallas. Indianapolis cannot make any stops in the fourth quarter. Every close game that they played in this year, the other team made boneheaded mistakes or went for it on fourth down as if they were playing a game of Madden. Minnesota and Dallas are the only two teams that you know what you're going up against when you play them. Relentless pass rush, smart middle linebackers, and balanced secondaries on defense. Quarterbacks capable of making every throw, running backs with home run speed, tight ends that move the chains and wide outs that are red zone threats on offense. I'm stoked about next week's "Super Bowl". Let me know what you think!


  1. You can bet your Netflix subscription that this next game is the Superbowl for Dallas--it's gonna be the last game of their season. HEY-oh! Nothing will stop Favre's mission to teach the young and weak the lesson of their lives.

  2. Carlissimo - You sound like an old crusty codger who doesn't like change. Let me put it to you this way...Favre = Sitting Duck. Prediction - PAIN. If he dies, he dies.

  3. I was never a Favre fan. Not ever. But, you gotta love an eighty year old who skips training camp and shows up, dominating everyone. Of course, with Peterson keeping those defenses honest, they could probably pull Colonel Sanders' corpse out of the ground, stick a helmet on 'em, and he'd probably be able to equal Favre's feat. (PS: Mr. Sanders never really achieved the rank of Colonel, he just took on the moniker himself.)
